Some of our Customers :
EuroClear Bank (Belgium), Ford Otosan (Turkey), Adecco (Sweden) , Trub (Swiss),
SHV (Worldwide), Baker and McKenzie (Worldwide), National Versicherung (Germany), HP (Worldwide)
In our solutions portfolio :
Financial Services - Administration, Finacial Statments, Audits (certified Chartered Accountants & EDP Auditors)
Chain of Custody Administration , Track & Trace and Reporting.
Compliance Automation of official regulations or Internals, several regulation checks in parallel, realtime Non-Compliance detection.
Google Cloud Platform guidance (Google certified)
DataSpaces - Special CM* data highway with data publishers and data subscribers (Multimodal).
WEM NO-CODE App development - Apps connecting Legacy data to useful applications (WEM Senior certified)
xVision Smart Sharing Sensors - sensor data directly published on CM* data highway.
* CM = ChecksMade datahighway (trademark)